Dragon Classic Titanium Leader


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€ 4,50

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9kg / 15cm
14kg / 15cm
9kg / 20cm
14kg / 20cm
9kg / 30cm
14kg / 30cm
14kg / 40cm

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These pike leaders are made from top quality American Fishing wire Titanium BRAID Surfstrand 1x7. The Dragon AFW Titanium leaders are light and thin and virtually invisible underwater. Titanium Braid has an incredibly long lifespan because this material is impervious to pike or zander teeth and does not kink. Because the Titanium Braid 1x7 is light and supple, the lure will lose none of its action. The leaders are made by hand. The sleeves are pinched with air pressure with the right force with a pair of sleevetangs.

Contents: 1 piece

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